by Admin
Posted on 02-01-2024 01:53 PM
Single-strain and multistrain probiotics can be beneficial for specific clinical applications. 1,2 potential advantages of multistrain probiotic supplements are a broader spectrum of health benefits (compared to intake of a single probiotic strain) and synergistic effects of the individual probiotic strains.
2clinical trial results on a new, high colony-forming units (cfu) count combination of 8 strains of lactobacillus and bifidobacterium probiotics were recently published in integrative medicine: a clinician’s journal. 3 the study evaluated the short-term impact of consumption of one capsule per day using standard blood panels and a health questionnaire as well as stool tests. This novel combination included the following probiotic strains:.
Some of the terminology used in the formulation of probiotic products can get a little confusing, making it hard to find what you’re looking for.
Furthermore, some terms are used interchangeably despite having different meanings, which can lead to even more confusion. For example, multi-strain probiotics and multi-species probiotics are two different things, despite the terms being used interchangeably. Let’s do a deep dive into definitions and types of probiotics to gain a better understanding of what the research says about a diverse approach to supplementing with probiotic products. Before we take a closer look at the research on a biodiverse approach to supporting gut health, it’s important to understand the terminology.
To be a true probiotic, a product must contain live and active bacterial cultures, and it should indicate this on its packaging. You’ll want to pay close attention to colony-forming units (cfu), which tell you the number of bacterial cells you’ll get in each dose. A general recommendation is to choose probiotic products with at least 1 billion colony-forming units and containing the genus lactobacillus, bifidobacterium, bacillus or saccharomyces boulardii, some of the most researched probiotics. Even then, you may have to delve deeper, as each genus of bacteria encompasses numerous strains that produce different results. To find out how many colony-forming units you need to help with a specific condition, you should speak to a doctor before casually starting probiotic supplements to make sure they’re right for you.
Think of probiotics like a family. You and your siblings may have all descended from the same family tree (the genus) and share the same last name (the species), but you’re unique — you’re different than your brother or sister. Knowing the bacteria strain lets you understand how it works and how it interacts with other bacteria paired in your probiotic. Every probiotic strain has a different purpose and can offer different benefits to your body — which is why choosing a probiotic supplement with the right science-backed strains is so important. Reading the label of a probiotic can make your head spin with all the unfamiliar names.
In recent years, the extensive research into probiotics and the microbiome leaves no doubt that these novel products can benefit some aspects of human health. Specifically, science has identified areas of use for diarrhea, respiratory conditions, and some infant illnesses and conditions. Probiotics may also help with weight management, gut issues, constipation , and mental health. People can do their research into which specific strains might work for their particular condition. A healthcare professional can help with this. They can choose probiotics according to their cfu, the strains included, and whether or not the product also contains prebiotics. Choosing a product with a lower cfu for general health maintenance can be more cost-effective.